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Monday, August 17, 2009

Mystery lingers in disappearance of volunteer firefighter

Left: Brandy Hall

Florida Today - FL, USA

Mystery lingers in disappearance of volunteer firefighter

BY J.D.GALLOP • FLORIDA TODAY • August 17, 2009

The once-ubiquitous posters with Brandy Hall's face are mostly gone as clues surrounding her mysterious disappearance grow murkier with time.

Three years later, all that remains of the case is a thick file that keeps the attention of Sgt. Ken Arnold, a detective with the Palm Bay Police Department.
"It's still an open case, but we haven't had any active leads in quite a while," Arnold said. The 32-year-old mother of two and outdoor enthusiast vanished Aug. 17, 2006, after she left work at the Malabar Volunteer Fire Department.
The next day, the firefighter's pickup was pulled from a small pond off Treeland Boulevard after a fisherman spotted her gear bobbing in the water. Inside the truck's cabin was Hall's blood, police said. (more...)

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